Tuesday, September 29, 2009

"What's in name?...

... That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet."

I realised i have not blogged much during this pregnancy, and i feel that the reason for this is quite multi-layered. However the two many reason that i blame for not sharing my thoughts are this -
  1. Time (never seem to have it, or it may be energy that i am lacking, not sure)
  2. Reality (though in my right thinking mind i know what being pregnant is all about and what one hopes the end result will be, I have found that this time around there have been so many preoccupying thought going on, and so many medical type people overloading me with their opinions and scrutinising everything that is going on that i am focusing so much on getting through the next few months i am finding it hard to remember the greater goal - finding it hard to see the little baby that will be the end result. Does that make sense?)

But anyway, back to today's topic - NAMES

When we were pregnant with Peanut i remember getting a little freaked out at the idea of choosing a name for him. I had thoughts of "What if he doesn't like the name we pick! He will be answering to this name - every single day - for the rest of his life!". Of course i got over myself and within two days of Peanut being born we had given him a name, which he now answers to...

One was for sure though, M34tb4LL and i did not want to commit to a single name for Peanut, or tell people what his name was going to be before he was born. We both felt that we wanted to meet him first, see what he looked like and if any of the names we had picked out suited him. Lucky for us we felt that the name that was right up with top favourite names was perfect for him!

But now i am back here again. Back with the pile of baby name books trying to get a short list of names to pick one from when the time comes (that is, when Bean comes).

I was listening to a podcast the other day that was talking about baby names and how names can go in and out of fashion. It was very interesting, talking about how people might want to give there child an unusual or uncommon name and without knowing it may end up choosing a name that everyone else thinks the same way of - and end up making the name more popular that ever.

One thing that the woman who was running conversation said was that there is a bit of rule of thumb when it comes to putting together a list of name. She said that is the expectant mothers task to put the list together and the expectant fathers job to knock names off the list.

This might be a bit of harsh way of saying it, but it is kind of right... Sorry M34tb4LL. I have put together a list of names that i personally liked and when i shared them with M34tb4LL all but a hand full of names where removed from the list for one reason or another - most of the time for very valid reasons, things that i had not even thought of. Like a name that was very similar to Peanut's name, or the name that sounded too much a fictional cartoon caricature, of the name that was very similar to a villain on a recent TV show (to be honest, that is kind of why i likes that name so much...).

When playing the naming game, it is a good thing that Bean is a girl though. Having used our favourite boy's name with Peanut, if Bean was a boy - he would have been stuck a name that we thought was second best!!!

(: Reggie

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