Saturday, July 18, 2009

Three hospitals in two days

So with this pregnancy I seem to be getting a lot more attention that with the last one! I find this a strange thing as i would have thought that being the second time around medical type people would think that I have more of idea of what I'm doing this time around and leave me be a bit more. But no, it seems that they want to keep more of eye on me this time round!

And the reason I am being watched more closely is because of medical kind things that happened last time. I would say that i had a tough pregnancy with Peanut, but there were a few things that occurred that increased the "risk" of that pregnancy. The funny thing is that when I look back at it now, I'm not sure who they thought was more at risk - me or Peanut...

Anyway - with Peanut I did get the gestational diabetes and the blood pressure got more pressured and these are some things that medical people seemed to get concerned about.

Well this time, my doctor has been requesting to see me fortnightly instead of monthly (like he did last time) and I been having appointments with hospital peoples every two to three weeks instead of four to six weeks (like this time last time) and I have had to my GD test at the 18 weeks mark (instead of 26 weeks like last time).

So last week i had leave young Peanut in the care of his Nana, my mother-in-law, M34tb4LL's mother, and go to a hospital a couple of suburbs over to have a blood test - then drink some horrible sweet stuff - wait for an hour - have another blood test - wait another hour - have another blood test -than go home. I would have then had a nap, the sugaring drink had kind of left me with a bit of melt down, but the phone kept ringing! I would have put the phone silent, but I would have had to get out of bed to do that...

One of the phone calls was from the hospital that we are booking into to have Bean, which was not the hospital that i had been to that morning. The phone call was to tell me that my blood test results were in and that I had the dreaded GD, and that i would have to come in for an information session the following day.

After my failed attempt at having a nap, and once Peanut was awake from his highly successful nap, we went to the doctors for my fortnightly check-up. I told him about the GD results and he checked my blood pressure, at least that was good (this time...), and then it was back home to wait for M34tb4LL to get home from work.

The next day Peanut and I went to the second hospital in two days to attend the GD information class. I have to day that even though I have gone through having GD before and this the second lot of information collection, I still have no idea what the hell it all means! how it all works! or how the hell I am supposed to "control" it!!!

Peanut was in fine form, he entertained the information imparters as well of my fellow GD sufferer. He then fell asleep in the car on the way home, but woke up as I tried to get him out of the car and that was it for him and sleep for the day. But that didn't matter - I had plans for him for the rest of the day.

We went over to a friends place who lives not far away and who has a little girl about Peanut's age. After a cup of tea I left Peanut with the afor mentioned friend to travel to yet another hospital - a different one again than I had been to the day before or that morning. This time it was to attend to my "anti-natal" physio appointment. Again this is due to keeping on eye on me due to what had happened with my previous pregnancy and my hip / pelvic bone went out of alignment.

So yer, three hospitals in two days! And this week I only have two hospital appointment over two days - and it is at the same hospital. Just not trying this week!

(: Reggie