Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Quit your whinging!!!

Am i remembering pregnancy through a pair of rose coloured glasses? Was the morning sickness i had with Bean worse than i had with Peanut? I don't remember all the finer details of what it was like when i carrying Peanut, and i seem to be under the impression that I am having a harder time of it this time around - but i could be wrong - time has a was of making you forget what it was really like, that is why people can go back and have more kids i suppose!

But rather than focus on the negatives there are many positives that can be focused on... and i don't just mean the the wonderful little prize that we will be getting at the end of the pregnancy! But that one is going to be very special.

I am talking about the little positives, the small things that i have notices that bring on a smile. The little things that people notice and comment on that give me a bit of warm fuzzy feeling.

A lot of people, both at work and socially have been saying how well i look. And they have not been using the cliche comment that i am "glowing" - kind of glad about that one, because if i was told i was glowing the sarcastic side of me would instantly kick in with some smart-arse comment about being sweaty from just having to throw up or something (whether it was true or not).

I have also noticed that my skin is a lot softer than normal - and M34tb4LL and Peanut have noticed it as well. A few days ago Peanut was lying between us in our bed watching a bit of Saturday morning tellie. At one point Peanut rolled over and while gently stroking my cheek told me how soft my skin felt. My skin has also been very clear, I have not the normal few little pimples that seem to have not realised that i am no longer a teenager (and have been for a quite a while now).

My hair is doing the same thing that it did while i was pregnant with Peanut - or should i say it is not doing the same thing that it did not last time (wait.. what?). My hair not falling much at all, normally ever time i run my finger through my hair i then have to untangle the wade of hair that had knotted itself around them. But now when i do it there is at the most a single strand of hair that follows my fingers rather than staying put. Although i am not confident that the same thing that happened after Peanut was born will not happen this time (again... what?). Like last time, i am sure that after Bean is born my hair will not only start to fall out again - but will try and make up for time lost! And the poor vacuum cleaner!!! Won't someone think of the poor vacuum clearer!!!

I think my hair is also growing a bit faster at the moment, i feel like i am having to cut my fringe more often at the moment, although i can't see anything at the moment as it is over my eyes AGAIN!

And now to just share a few other random observation - it intrigues me the difference in movements that i am feeling between Peanut and Bean. I remember the first time i felt Peanut move, i was in a meeting with my manager at the time and the expression on face made her jump a bit. After i told her why i had pulled such a strange face she called the meeting short, she didn't see much more being achieved at that time and left me to call M34b4LL and tell him. I was around the 28 - 29 weeks pregnant at the time, and was a little bit concerned about not feeling movements at that stage because I was being told left right and centre that i should have felt him by that stage.

I remember the movements i would feel with Peanut were quite fluttery and he I would feel them for a while, he would move around for some time and the movements could last for at least ten minutes at a time - if not an hour!

With Bean i felt movements a lot earlier. And i am told that you do feel movements with your second before you did with your first because you have more of idea what it feels like - but trust me, with the movements i have been getting with Bean, if i had have felt the same with Peanut i SOOOO would have to have had some pretty severe gastric problem to mistake then for anything else than baby movements!

And the movements with Bean have not the gentle, fluttery, fluid movements like with Peanut. Movements that will last for a while. They have been quite jerky, random and a even a little bit rough! The kind of thing that you would call a baby kick not just baby trying to find a comfy position. And i may be get a single kick - a few kicks, but nothing that lasts longer than a couple of seconds at the most. Of course this means that every time i say to M34tb4LL "She's moving, quick feel!" he will place his hand on my tummy and there will be nothing for ages, not till he gives up that is, then she will sink one of two more kicks into me...

Today is two months to the day to Beans due date, and though i am not quite ready (and i doubt she is ready either) for her to come - I just hope the time from here goes really fast!!!

:) Reggie